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 Multi surface hollow ball

Multi Surface hollow ball

Suspended ball carrier in micro-polluted raw water biological pretreatment widely used.
The packing dozens of blades through rational composition spherical annular coupling structure,
surface roughness and specially treated hydrophilic properties, biofilm relatively easy, using
aeration head, forming aeration zone (upward flow) and non-aeration region (downward flow),
in the aeration tank fluidized state, frequent collision, thereby greatly enhancing the biological
treatment of the three elements (micro-organisms, oxygen, organic pollutants) between the mass
transfer efficiency.

Thus alternately complete biofilm growth and shedding process, to ensure the
stability and activity of the biofilm, biofilm presence aerobic and anaerobic zone area, thus achieving
the effect of oxygen, ammonia removal efficiency up to 90%. In using this technology based on the
combined conventional treatment and advanced treatment technology to ensure safe drinking water.

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