Unisource Style UPCS stainless steel braided pump connectors are the standard of the industry for a rugged, versatile flex product to connect piping to vibrating mechanical equipment.
UPCS stainless steel connectors combine 300 series corrugated stainless steel hose and braid with weld-on carbon steel end fittings for a high-pressure assembly. Standard connectors with stainless steel end fittings are also available. Unisource starts with a high corr-count inner hose for greater flexibility and better noise and vibration control efficiency. Many manufacturers utilize a less expensive wide-pitch corrugated hose. A tightly woven stainless steel braid provides high pressure ratings, even in high temperature heating water applications. Style UPCS-MMT threaded are made to traditional industry standard overall lengths. These connectors are designed to provide good efficiency for noise and vibration control. Style UPCS-XL-MMT are longer length connectors, built for even greater noise and vibration control, and a minimum of 2” permanent lateral offset.